Spotlight Brand Kit and Guidelines.

We've prepared these brand guidelines so you'll know exactly how you can–and cannot–display our Brand Assets. Thanks for spreading the love about Spotlight! :)

Please don’t:

  • Use the brand elements in a way that suggests or implies a partnership, sponsorship, or endorsement by Spotlight

  • Incorporate Spotlight’s brand elements, or anything confusingly similar, into your own trademark, logo, product or service name, domain name, or username

  • Alter any part of the Spotlight brand elements

  • Modify the word “Spotlight” in any way

  • Monetize Spotlight’s brand elements, such as selling Spotlight-themed merchandise

  • Copy the Spotlight look and feel, including imitation of the Spotlight user interface or app store profile

  • Feature Spotlight’s brand elements in connection with pornography, illegal activity, or other material that violates our Terms of Service or Community Guidelines


Please only use the brand elements found in these guidelines.

Live What Matters


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